Friday, August 23, 2024

Grammar School Graduation in Ridley Township 110 years ago!! Please read the help paragraph


The original Folsom School at 6th and Swarthmore Aves. in Folsom. The school built in 1890 is now a senior citizens center. The above picture is from about 1920.

NOTE: it is hard to imagine today but graduating from grammar school aka 6th grade was a big deal. Students 110 years ago were only expected to go to school till 6th grade!!  Diplomas were handed out and read about the guest speakers and also the orchestra!!

PLEASE Take the time and make a donation to my website, I have more maps, pictures and information I want to add but the website costs me money every month. I average about 600 visitors a month to my website but last year less than 10 people made donations. Please DONATE!!


June 17, 1914 



 Entertaining Exercises Conducted in the St. Rose of Lima Church Hall

The spacious auditorium of the St. Rose of Lima Hall was well filled last evening when the parents, friends and instructors of the graduating class of the Ridley Township Grammar Schools assembled to witness the first annual commencement.  From the opening number on the program until the orchestra had played its final strains, the audience was held in rapt attention by the excellent entertainment.  Dr. J. Linwood Elenberg, Superintendent of the Chester Public Schools, was the principal speaker of the evening and delivered an able and well-chosen address to the young members of the class of 1914 of the Leiperville and Folsom Grammar Schools.
The auditorium was beautifully decorated for the occasion with flowers and American colors.  The class insignia, gold and blue, was in thorough keeping with the scene.  The stage was impressively set with palms and potted plants and the nine pupils who received their diplomas as a token of faithful study in their respective schools left an impression of earnest youth on the minds of the gathering.
The pupils who received diplomas from County Superintendent A. G. C. Smith were:  Clara Matilda Biller, Herbert Eugene Gaskill, John Stuart Graeber, Lenore Madelyn Horn, Mary Emily McLaughlin, Russell Percy Reese, Dehlia Rosanna Schitsey, Mollie Nelle Trosino, and Ella Marion Woof.
Following the opening selection by the orchestra Rev Walter R. Alexander of Princeton University pronounced the invocation.  Rev. Thomas F. Ryan of the St. Rose of Lima Church in a brief but earnest address of welcome gave the audience a hearty greeting and in closing gave the graduates some excellent advice.  “O Festal Days” a chorus sung by the class was much applauded by the appreciative audience.
John Stuart Graeber of the Folsom Grammar School told what should be put into life and not that which should be gotten out of it in a well delivered and well composed oration entitled, “By Wanted,” “Over and over again” was the plain title of an earnest appeal given by Clara Matilda Biller to the host of listeners, that they struggle with their tasks not once but over and over again.  She preceded a pleasing orchestral selection.
The feature of the entertainment was duet of Russell Percy Reese and Dehlia Rosanna Schitsey, accompanied by the class chorus.  The number called “The Barefoot Boy” was encored to the echo.  The boy graduate, smaller than any of his class was a marvel of confidence and his smile and whistle won the admiration of the audience.  Miss Schitsey sung in fine voice for a girl of her years and many comments were heard of her vocal efforts.
Following the benediction by Rev. Thomas F. Ryan, the orchestra closed the interesting entertainment with a short selection.  At the close of the exercises the parents spoke in a favorable manner OF THE WORK OF Miss Lulu McCartney who this year was made supervisor of the schools of Ridley Township and who raised the grade of the institutions, making this the first class to graduate for entrance into the county high schools.

My “History, Mystery” column in the Delco times has been a great help. People have been identifying pictures in my collection, by cross streets, blocks etc. I have close to 2000 pictures of Delco prior to 1950. I know where they are but I do not know the block etc. I want to make all my pictures properly identified by block, cross streets so years from now people will know and understand exactly where the picture is. I need help in every township and boro, some need lots of work, others not so much. I’m looking for retired, police and postmen/women or others, who know their towns well. It will be “boring” but it really needs to be done. If you want to help me, email me at, hopoing to hear from lots of people to get this job done right.

Please read I need HELP!!!! 

ALSO my website attracts over 600 visitors a month, but less than 10 of those visitors made a donation thru PayPal. My website costs $400.00 dollars to operate each year and loses money every year. Less than 10 people made donatioins last year. No one gets into local history to make money but it would be nice to break even once in  awhile. I have lots more to add to my website, maps etc. but that will cost more in server fees. Please make a PayPal  donation please

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