Friday, August 30, 2024

Delco's Ford car, aka The Trainer Searchmont "horseless carriage" Ridley Park Walking Tour next week!!

The poor picture above is of the Searchmont Automobile made in Trainer Boro. The factory made 8 cars a week, beginning in 1903. The plant closed in late c.1905. The former plant became a paint factory in 1906.

NOTE; A very special thanks to Emma Durband, of Concord Township. She works with the Concord Township Historical Society and knows her stuff!! Last Tuesday she was nice enough to sit down with me and go over my Concord Township photos. She added the location, blocks cross streets etc. I was having trouble finding someone to help me and Emma was perfect!!
Thanks so much!!



May 15, 1903 


Plant Turns Out Eight Horseless Carriages Each Week  Big Payroll

               The Fournier-Searchmont Automobile Company, which operates the mills formerly owned and operated by the D.  Trainer Sons’ Manufacturing Company and known as Nos. 1 and 2, is a busy concern.  The plant employs a large number of men, and is taxed to its utmost to fill the orders now on hand.  The men employed by this firm are all first-class mechanics and the work they turn out is of the best.

               Since the location of the industry at
Trainer the large force of men has been kept busy and up to and including last Friday the firm had built and shipped 108 of these first-class machines.  The present facilities of the plant are overtaxed to accommodate the demand for its product, and the men are working ‘till a late hour in their efforts to turn out as it is desired, about eight automobiles a week.

               The plant has brought a number of desirable residents to this community, many of whom are living in Trainer, and the immediate vicinity.

               Several thousand dollars are paid weekly in salaries, and the business people of the town have felt the impetus given to the trade conditions.

               NOW THE SEARCHMONT – The Trainer A. A. baseball team has decided to change its name in compliance with a request from Superintendent Chadwick and Assistant Superintendent Chadwick and Assistant Superintendent Roe, of the automobile company.  It will hereafter be known as the “Searchmont,” and will play under that title in its game with the Media A. A. at the county seat, tomorrow afternoon.  New uniforms will be provided the boys and they will, it is said, “travel in style.”

               REVIVAL SERVICES – Beginning with the coming Sunday night Rev. W. F. Ewing, pastor of the Trainer M. E. church, will begin a series of revival services, continuing one week.  Rev. Mr. Gollie of Philadelphia, will have charge of the meetings.  Mrs. Kilburn, also of Philadelphia, who conducted revival services here last winter, will also be present one night and it is expected that Prof. Lincoln Hall, of the Quaker City, will be present.

               NOTES BY THE WAY – Contractor William McVey and Walter Gilbert have been engaged for several days in painting and otherwise improving the residence and store of Thomas Watson, on Post Road, near Main Street.

               A trolley car on the Wilmington trolley line burning out a few days ago, caused the patrons of that line to use the trains to reach their employment in Chester.

               Henry Roberts and his daughter, Miss Lizzie Roberts, have taken the house formerly occupied by Benjamin Klee and family, who moved to Chester.  Mr. and Mrs. Roberts as occupants of the house of Mrs. Ernest Longhurst have succeeded Maple Avenue.

               A few days ago the Searchmont Juniors defeated a team of boys who were their seniors in years by the score of 18 to 11.

               Messrs. Harry Elliott, Samuel Reynolds and William Fraime, Jr., left this week for Depew, N. Y., where they have secured situations.

               Master Earl Reaner of Lancaster, Pa. is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Preston on Main Street.


I will be giving a walking tour for the Ridley Park Victorian Fair next Saturday, September 7. So far one tour is planned starting at 1pm and will be about one hour long. The tour will include Sellers and Swarthmore Aves. and will include pictures and talk of what life was like and town history. Cost is 10 dollars per person part of the money goes to the Ridley Park Historical Society. Tour space is limited. The tour flyer is running late and I will have it tomorrow. If interested in going email me and I will send you a copy of the flyer.

Hope to see you there!!            


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