Friday, October 4, 2024

The Media Club House the place to be 129 years ago

The Media Club House about 1920. The building still stands with additions at 116 W. Baltimore Pike, formerly known as Washington St. Before Tv's , radios etc. social groups were the rage. Not only for entertainment but also getting things done.

June 28, 1895 


            MEDIA CLUB OUTING 

Brilliant Throng Assembled in the Handsome Building 
The Beautiful Decorations  
The Opening of the Media Club’s New Home Was the Social Function of the Borough 
 Elegant Costumes Worn by the Ladies 
 The Guests

            The Media Club, composed of many of the prominent business and professional men of the borough, gave a brilliant reception and housewarming last evening at its new clubhouse.

            The rooms were beautifully decorated with flowers and plants and brilliantly lighted by electricity.

            Oglesby’s Orchestra furnished music for dancing, which was indulged in from 10 to 13 o’clock.

            The building, which is located at the corner of South Avenue and Washington Street, with the lot upon which it stands, cost about $20,000.  It is nicely terraced in front and presents a very imposing appearance.      On the first floor is the parlor, reading room, card room and billiard room, and on the second floor is a large assembly room, retiring rooms and the culinary department of the club.

            There are no sideboards, neither are intoxicants allowed in the place, for the club believes in sociability without wine. It is also strictly non-partisan, its object being the social intercourse of the gentlemen of Media and vicinity.

            Since its organization, some five years ago, it has raised annually a relief fund which is regularly placed in the hands of the charitable ladies of Media, who place help where most needed.

            The initiation fee is $20, and the annual dues is $20.

            The dresses worn last evening were magnificent, some of them being imported direct from Paris for the occasion.  White was the predominating color. 

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