Friday, September 13, 2024

105 years ago Ridley Park's Fighting Men honored and upcoming talk!!

 The Ridley Park Library at 107 E. Ward St about 1918. The WW1 plaque has not been added when this postcard was made. The library was founded 1i 1912. The library was a "Carnegie Library". Andrew Carnegie was a multi-millionaire who gave away $100,000.00 of dollars to fund Pennsylvania libraries across the state. 

Note:  Honoring WW1 veterans from Delaware County happened all across Delco in the early 1920's. Townships and Boros made sure to honor their residents by plaques, monuments etc.

On Monday September 30 at 6:30 I will be giving a talk at the Ridley Township Library in Folsom. The talk aka show will be pictures of Delco from 100 years ago and today. I will have a flyer in a few days.


 September 8, 1919 


War Heroes and Service Men Honored by Citizens of the Borough With a Handsome Bronze Tablet

               Fighting sons of Ridley Park were honored by the citizens of that borough on Saturday, when the handsome bronze honor service table was unsettled and dedicated.  The tablet will stand as a perpetual memory to the 149 names carried and to the four boys who made the supreme sacrifice that democracy may live.  Several hundred persons witnessed the unveiling and dedication in front of the Public Library.  The majority of service men of the borough were among the throng and assisted greatly in the success of the ceremonies.

               At 2 o’clock the pageant swung away from Borough Hall, headed by Captain F. F. Turner and the colors of the Ridley Park Citizens Corps.  The Swarthmore Military band of twenty pieces followed, their patriotic airs and march numbers inspiring the hundreds gathered to pay homage to the soldiers, sailors and marines.  The Borough officials headed by Burgess G. M. Stull, Boy Scouts, Training Corps, Girl Scouts.  Citizens, firemen and the service men went over the route, which was from the Town Hall to Ware Street to Sellers avenue to Swarthmore Avenue to Chester Pike to Ward Street and thence to library.  The service men were marshalled by Colonel Frank B. Maltby.

               At the Library the paraders formed an honor square for the service men while the band discoursed “Stars and Stripes Forever.”  Burgess Stull with other borough officials then took over the steps leading to the handsome library building.  The entire assemblage rendered, “Long, Long Trail,” and “The Star Spangled Banner.”

               Rev. Francis B. Barnett, former pastor of the Ridley Park Methodist Episcopal Church, and who was a Chaplain in the service, made the invocation.  Prayers were sent up for those who lost their lives, those who returned, those who suffered from the war, the President and the Congress and the good citizens of Ridley Park.

               The service honor tablet was then presented to the borough by Joseph H. Hinkson, Esq., a long-time resident and also solicitor for the borough.  In his address, Mr. Hinkson called attention to the work done at home and abroad, laying stress to the accomplishments of Delaware County in war work and shipbuilding and of sending so many boys into the service.  He was greeted with rounds of applause.  He paid a glowing tribute to the four who made the supreme sacrifice, Edward R. Hammer, George B. Hoffman, Henry F. Mitchell and Joseph E. Pierce.  In speaking of the work done abroad and at home by the Ridley Park boys, homage was paid to those who were awarded decorations and those who through their vacant service won promotion, among these being Lieutenant Colonel Maltby and Colonel Charles C. Pierce.

               At the conclusion of the address, Mr. Hinkson briefly gave a dedicating address, at which time, Miss Fernando M. Stull, grasped the handsome silken American flag and unveiled the beautiful tablet.  Miss Stull was charming; she wore a beautiful, but plain dress of white organdie and a large blue hat with pale pink facing.  Applause greeted her when she mounted the step to unveil the bronze masterpiece.

               With the tablet unveiled and dedicated, every voice rendered, “Onward, Christian Soldiers.”  The blended voices pleased many in the large assemblage, some being effected by tears, while others forced smiles to keep away the tears that were wont to be shed.  Burgess Stull received the tablet for the borough in an eloquent address, touching on obligations as Americans.  He was applauded.  The singing of “America” closed the afternoon.

               The service tablet is a work of art.  It is made of the best quality bronze.  At the top a wreath in which a star and crossed guns, attract the eye.  Beneath is both the insignias of the Army and Navy while a ribbon bears the inscription in large plain letters, “Honor Roll.”  Under the ribbon, the following is inscribed:  “Erected by the citizens of Ridley Park in honor of its patriotic sons who were called to the colors by the United States of America, when it entered the World War to maintain its independence and sovereignty and establish, the blessings of Justice, Liberty, Peace.”  The frame work of the tablet is of wreathed design and at the bottom under the names of the sons who participated in the world War, are the names of four citizens honored for war service, namely, George C. Barber, 3rd, George C. Hetzel, J. Howard Reber and H. Furness Taylor.

               THE SERVICE MEN – Described on the tablet are the following names of the borough’s service men:  Charles D. Allen, Charles L. Andrews, Donald Anthony, Harold T. Atticks, Walter H. Baird, Joseph O. Baker, Francis B. Barnett, Joseph H. Brackett, Stanley A. Brown, Vernon C. Brown, David A. Brooks, Frederick R. Buse, John J. Campbell, Mauro Caromeno, Raymond Carrick, Lester C. Cobb, Walter R. Cochran, Herbert Collins, Joseph B. Comerford, Robert A. Comerford, A. LaRue Commins, Albert E. Cengdon, Jr., Chalon E. Corson, Charles B. Cox, Frederick Cramer, Charles B. Culhane, William P. Culbert, James Davies, Elwood S. Deakyne, Earle W. Deppisch, Murrell E. Derry, Bennett L. Disbrow, Clarence H. Edmundson, Jas. Ennis, Jr., Enoch S. Farson, James S. N. Farson, E. Loren Fenn, T. Legare Fenn, Warren S. Fisher, Robert H. Foreman, Jr., Earle H. Freeman and Henry B. Freeman.

               Augustus J. P. Gallagher, Henry D. Garrett, Benjamin H. Getzs, Jay Gilmore, Frank S. Given, William H. Given, Jr., Hacop C. Gorcodian, James P. Haldt, James S. Halkett, Edward R. Hamer, Cortlandt A. Hamm, John T. Harrison, Roger Daydeck, H. Biddle Hayes, James A. Hayes, Jr., Harry F. Heineman, Everett C. Hemenway, Carlton C. Henderson, William E. Hetzel, Jr., Joseph H. W. Hinkson, George B. Hoffman, J. Gordon Holt, Norris J. Huffington, James H. Hurtt, 3rd, Earle H. Jardine, J. Byers Johnson, Arthur E. Jones, Liewellyn E. Jones, Luther H. Ketels, Louis a. Klein, Frederick S. Limerick, Arthur W. Lincoln, and Edward C. Lukens.

               Also John D. McClure, William Rodman McHenry, William McKenna, John F. McKernan, Frank M. B. Maltby, Charles E. Mann, John W. Mann, Pensyl Mawby, George Meckert, Henry F. Mitchell, John D. Mifflin, William w. Miller, Lucullus N. D. Mitchell, James T. Moran, John T. Napler, Allen Osborne, Earl Page, Roy Page, William F. Parcells, Jr., Charles C. Pierce, Joseph E. Pierce, Clarence S. Platt, Harry G. Plimpton, Richard S. Pomeroy, Jr., William M. Pomeroy, James E. Purcell, Thomas L. Purcell, James P. Ralph, Horace W. Rice, William J. Rice, William J. Rice, George W. Rinehart, Cecil R. Robertson, Winnie B. Setzer, Lester P. Shafer, Stewart R. A. Shurter and Henry M. Sloan

               Charles Smith, Winfield R. Solomon, Carl H. Stewart, David C. Stewart, Horace W. Stewart, Lawrence F. Stewart, Harold H. Stirling, Edwin L. Stouffer, Robert P. Strine, Jr., Clark D. Stull, John L. Tate, Donald C. Thompson, Harold B. Thompson, Charles S. Thorn, Robert A. Torrens, Stewart J. Torrens, George Trees, Richard Trees, Jr., Victor Turkington, Robert E. Tyson, John W. Vismer, Frederick L. Welsh, Herbert E. Williams, Vauclain R. Williams, Harry R. Wilson, Walter J. Wilson Charles L. Worrell, A. Duncan Yocum, Jr., and Harry E. Young.

               Service men who were decorated for the valiant services during the world conflict were the following:  Major Charles H. Pierce, promoted to Lieutenant Colonel and thence to Colonel.  Received the Legion of Honor and the Distinguished Service Cross.

               Lieutenant Colonel Frank B. Maltby wears a Croix de Guerre and Distinguished Service Medal.

               Thomas Legare Fenn wears a Croix de Guerre and Distinguished Service Medal.

               Winifred B. Solomon wears a Croix  Jack Campbell was honored with the Croix de Guerre and Distinguished Service Cro

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