A picture of the Norwood Legion Post #507 at 20 West Cleveland Ave. about 1940.
Note: J. Wesley Cross of the Third Penna . Regiment died on June 10th 1917 while on guard duty. His death was accidental. He grew up on Amosland Rd. in Norwood and was the first soldier to die from Norwood.
Please check out my "History, Mystery" pictures every Thursday in the Delco Times and Towntalk. Looking fof help!!
March 24, 1924
Wesley Cross Post to Start Work on Structure at Once
At a special meeting of the John
Wesley Cross Post, No. 507, American Legion, the recommendation of the Building
Committee relative to the proposed Legion clubhouse was approved and the
Committee authorized to proceed with the building. As soon as plans can be prepared and bids
received, the work will be started so that the building will be available for
use early this fall. The first plans
contemplated an elaborate community building but these were rejected because it
was found it would be necessary to ask the public to subscribe heavily and the
Post did not wish to do this at the present time. The type of building finally decided upon is
more modest and the Post will be able to finance it with the help of the
friends who wish to participate. It will
include an auditorium, kitchen, office and cloak rooms all on one floor, with
recreation rooms in the basement, and will provide quarters adequate at present
for the Post and the Auxiliary unit.
The need for a Legion home has been
felt for quite some time and the Post has been working toward this end for
several years, having purchased the lot on
Cleveland Avenue about a year ago.
Having a home of its own will enable the Post to proceed with the work
for which the American Legion stands and one of the first things the Post will
do as soon as the new building is available is to adopt a troop of Boy Scouts
and provide them with quarters in the Legion clubhouse.
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