Friday, August 19, 2022


The Dupont Car Factory still stands in the 600 block of 13th Ave. in Prospect Park. The Dupont emblem can still be featured on the building.

Note: Many people were making cars in the late teens and 1920's. The Searchmont Co. was making cars in Trainer for example. The Duponts only made cars for a few years.
In other news Delaware Co. Council appointed me to the Heritage Commission. I'm very happy a great honor!


March 5, 1920 


Purchase Large Tract of Land and Prepare Great Improvements – Electric Concern Comes Into Possession of Sixty Acres, Too, and Will Provide Delaware County with Another Monster Industry

               The General Electric Company of Philadelphia is to build a large plant in Delaware County, costing $20,000,000.  The site selected is either the Custer tract in Glenolden or a site just inside of Delaware County, close to the Philadelphia line.

               The DuPont Automobile Company of Wilmington has purchased a tract of land from George W. Moore in Prospect and will erect a plant at a cost said to be close to $5,000,000 when equipped.

               This will make a total of $225,000,000 worth of improvements to be made in the immediate future for Delaware County.  The DuPont concern will pay the money on the Moore station.

               The General Electric’s purchase involves a tract of sixty acres of land.  The company is one of America’s largest corporations and a monster plant will be erected.

               It was also declared today that the General Electric has secured title to a stretch of ground on the other side of Darby Creek, just back of Norwood.  This consists of many acres of lowland or swamps.  Here, it is declared, an electric light plant will be erected.

               It was stated this afternoon by a man declared to be in possession of the facts that on the sixty-acre tract will be erected a monster plant at a cost of several million dollars.

               The General Electric is a widely-known concern, with plants scattered throughout the country.  Offices of the company are located In Philadelphia.

               In many ways the General Electric is a rival to the Westinghouse Electrical and Manufacturing Company of Pittsburgh, operating a plant at Lester in Delaware County.

               The General Electrical concern places on the market a great variety of electrical appliances, and employs a staff of workers running into the thousands.  It has a payroll numbered among the largest in the country.

               The locations both for the factory and the electric light plant are ideal, so far as transportation facilities are concerned.  It will, of course, be necessary to drain the lowlands, an operation requiring an extensive outlay of money.

               Just what general use will be made of the plant could not be learned this afternoon.  Several hundred different commercial articles are manufactured by the General Electric and the line to which the local plant will be3 devoted could not be learned.

               At least the new deal will mean a tremendous increase in the output of Delaware County from a manufacturing standpoint, while hundreds, probably thousands of workers, will require homes in this vicinity.

               According to information coming from the DuPont’s this afternoon the entire automobile plant is not to be removed from Wilmington.

               The last statement given out was to the affect that the entire automobile business was to come to Prospect Park Borough.  The plant at Moore is to be used as an assembling plant, and the company will continue to operate the works in Wilmington where engines and other portions of the machines will be made.

               The DuPont’s have arranged to make 500 cars this year.  The new industry at Moore will give employment to a large number of people.  Every facility for prompt shipment of the cars will be attached to the plant.

               At present there is plenty of trackage for large shipments but additional facilities will be provided by the Pennsylvania railroad to meet every demand of the new industry.  The bringing of this plant to Prospect will be a boom for that pretty borough and the citizens are enthusiastic over it.

               When work was circulated this morning of the two deals, property values in the vicinity of the various locations doubled in value, it is declared.  This, of course, is brought about through the natural demand for homes occasioned by the invasion of Delaware County by the DuPont and the Electric concerns.

Best friend, Mary Ann Eves, is giving a walking tour of Media tomorrow!!
She does a great job sign up below!! 

I am doing my walking tour of Media for the Preservation Alliance for Greater Philadelphia this Saturday, August 20 at 10:00 a.m. Reservations are required, sign up at


  1. Thanks for showing me the DuPont car factory! I will travel to Prospect Park and check it out. I have seen Dupont Streets in both Chester and Prospect Park. - Shelley

  2. I grew up in Prospect Park and always knew that facility as H. K. Porter. My brother and a neighbor were employed there in the 70’s. A few years ago I noticed the DuPont signage on the building. I had thought perhaps it had been a chemical plant for DuPont. Thanks for posting the original use of the building. Interesting. 🧐
