Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Anyone remember the "Fairgrounds"?


Remember when Chester Creek was considered a "river" ? A view from about 1910


I have been getting several inquiries about the old Chester Fairgrounds. I have no pictures perhaps a reader can help.



New York Concern Secures contract for the Construction of Race Track and buildings

The directors of the Chester Fair Ground Association of this city yesterday let the contract to a New York concern for the building of a race track, new club house, a picture show house, a grand stand, the erection of a fence about the grounds and for all other buildings, walks and places of amusement, for an up-to-date amusement park on the Maddock farm on the Concord Road.
When this project was started over a year ago, those interested met with many rebuffs on account of the depression in business which has followed all through the year, but today the people of Chester and the county are assured of one of the best appointed fair grounds and amusement parks anywhere in the State.  Allentown some years ago, with a plot of ground less favorably situated and a greater distance outside of that city, started a fair ground, selling the stock at $10 per share, and today this stock has a book value of $300 per share.
In addition to having sufficient land to place a first-class fair ground and amusement park in operation, the Chester Fair Ground Association has about thirty acres of land embracing some of the best building lots right at the door of a growing section of the city.  Engle Street and several others run through the property and it can be easily reached by everyone.
WORK FOR MANY MEN – In less than one week more than one hundred men will be employed in putting the grounds in shape for the purposes for which the association was chartered under the laws of this State.  The New York people who have taken the contract to do the work are solid business men.  Their rating is being looked up by the local dealers who will be asked to furnish the lumber and other material.  The surveyors started work yesterday and a force of workmen are putting up the tool houses and making preparations to house the workmen during the progress of the work.  For this purpose for the present the old farm house will be used.
This project is looked upon by those interested as a big thing for the city.  It is the intention to have the place open the greater part of the year and to have something going on at all times.  Of course, the big feature during the year will be the fair, but the other sports and amusements to be given should furnish amusement for thousands of people.  The contract already let embraces $100,000.  Local horsemen, as well as many from the outside, will take an interest in the construction of the track, which the contractor says will be finished sometime early in May.  It is the intention to open the grounds in the early summer with a list of events never before attempted in this city or vicinity.  The stock will be sold as far as possible among the local people, who are interested in getting a good return on their investment and who believe that a place of this kind will be a big thing for the city.
No city in the country has a better situated plot of ground for such purposes.  The trolleys run close by the property and it is but a few minutes’ walk of both the Pennsylvania and B. & O. Railroads.  

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