Monday, July 1, 2019

Chester car garages 100 years ago and Colonial Plantation Balloon rides!!

I recently bought a group of old Chester pictures, sadly many not identified. Looking for an address on this home and any other information.


Note: We take car garages for granted today but 100 years ago when everyone was buying cars what was considered a garage was open to interpretation read below.



 Either Too Antiquated or Not Strictly Enforced as a Whole

          Every city has some spots that are not creditable to the municipality or anyone else.  Chester seems to have more than its share.  Just to whose carelessness this should be charged is rather hard to say.  Much that is not pleasant to look at comes under the building laws of the city.  Either the building laws are antiquated or not strict enough, or else city and State laws are made with little or no thought of them being enforced.
          Since the advent of the automobile, Chester has become honeycombed with buildings of a flimsy and displeasing style of architecture.  In fact, the style and character of buildings termed garages, and used to house motor machines, are in very many cases a disgrace to both the city and the owner.
          A type of “garage” located in a residential section, not far from the very heart of the city, is shown in connection with this article.  From its appearance it would lead one to believe that no permit was ever issued for its construction.  It bears all the earmarks of a violation of even the crude and inefficient building code under which the city is operating.  The building (?) referred to is only one of many similar shacks that ought to be torn down.
          Where gasoline is used, too much care cannot be exercised.  Buildings of the character coming within the danger class are a menace.  Many of them are situated in such localities that are closely built upon and, because of that fact, they become a fire hazard.
          Aside from this danger feature they are an eyesore and tend to brand the city as a municipality quite indifferent to its best interest.  Whatever tends to lesson pride and attractiveness of any municipality makes for indifferent citizenship and slip-shod city management.
          It is said that chicken coops have been converted into automobile garages (?) overnight in Chester.  Be this as it may, not a few of these so-called garages were never designed by an architect, and no doubt none of them ever received the sanction of the building inspector’s department.  The building laws under which the city is now operating are mostly based on old acts of Assembly.  They refer to acts passed in 1867 and 1872.  This is harkening back too far.  When these Acts of Assembly were passed the automobile was unknown.  However, all this is no valid excuse.  Every city has a right to enact such ordinances that will protect life and property, and tend to beautify and add value to home surroundings.  No person has a right to do anything that justifies a complaint from his neighbor.
          Just because one pays taxes is no reason why one should usurp the prerogatives of the families of the community and make things generally unpleasant for others.
          The Act of Assembly approved March 29, 1872, and on which many of the present building laws of Chester are based, specifically states that “it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to erect or build or suffer or cause to be built, any frame building or frame erections of any description whatever, within sixty street, lane, alley or court, within the limits of said City of Chester.”
          The Act of Assembly, approved the 3rd day of April, A. D., 1867, or other building, within said city (Chester), shall front upon any street, alley or court,       which shall be less in width than twenty feet, or such street, alley or court shall be of that width, the buildings on each side equally receding.”
          It should be remembered that both of the above acts of Assembly were specifically passed for the benefit of Chester.  Can anyone tell how many times the provisions of the acts above cited have been violated?  Take a walk through most any alley and then note what you find.

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