Saturday, September 2, 2017

"Bitter Creek" Hollywood in Upland 102 years ago, Keith walk & talk this week plus!!!


This is the Upland Bridge at Race St. over Chester Creek that was blown up for a movie in February of  1915.



Wooden structure in Chester Township Made the Scene of a Climax in a Thrilling Moving Picture Play

The old covered bridge, which for years has furnished a crossing over Chester River, between Upland Borough and Chester Township, is to be the settling for a thrilling moving picture photo play.  According to the plans of the Lubin syndicate of Philadelphia, the climax of the story, which has been woven about the scene, requires the actual blowing up of the structure, which will be accomplished, it is expected on Saturday, by the use of dynamite.
Under the supervision of Edgar Jones, leading man and general manager, two camera men were busy yesterday taking preliminary views, and this morning seventy-five people were brought to Chester to take the various parts of the play that it to be enacted.  They went to the bridge shortly after 9 o’clock, directly from the Imperial Hotel, in auto cars.  In the party are actors who have appeared in hundreds of reels on the market today.  Two young women are in the cast.
The Lubin management heard but a few days ago that a new concrete structure is to be erected across Chester River, and at once arranged with Frazer Brothers, contractor for the work, for the privilege of taking views, and gave them the contract to do the dynamiting.  A picture of the old structure was taken and sent to the company’s scenario writer, who in about three hours had woven a pretty little love story around the old crossing.  The author is Emmett Campbell Hall of Glen Echo, Md., and the title is:  “On Bitter Creek.”  The story will involve also the new structure that is to be erected.
UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY – Mr. Jones, the chief in charge, told a Times man this morning that it is not often that an opportunity is offered where the syndicate can come across such an old discarded structure.  “If we wanted such a story, however, we would build a bridge for the purpose and blow it up.
“The work today,” he continued, “will involve some of the love scenes, but a real Kentucky feudal battle will take place on the bridge this afternoon.  We shall be here Friday and Saturday, making scenes, but I do not think the bridge will be blown until Saturday as that is the climax of the story.”
Before leaving the hotel those who were to take the parts in the plan, “made up” in their costumes at the hotel.  They attracted widespread attention, and scores of people were attracted to the old covered bridge that is seldom used in winter except by the farmers and those having necessary business through that section.
STORY OF THE PICTURE – “On Bitter Creek,” opens with the somewhat well-to-do Youse family and the less fortunate Kirby clan residing on either side of the river.  The Youse’s built the bridge and opened it free to the public.  A sister of the head of the former household falls in love with one of the Kirbys; they meet at the bridge, in a dignified manner of the olden time and exchange notes, by placing them in the love box hidden in the bridge.  The two become engaged.  Youse demands a kiss to seal the bargain, when the girl discovers her brother has heard the entire conversation.  He demands an explanation.  A feud ensues shots are exchanged, men and women are wounded.  After the Youse’s erect a toll gate and declare that the toll thereafter shall be a kiss from any of the Kirbys who desire to pass over the structure.  The grand finale comes when some of the opponents of the Yauses are crossing and the bridge is destroyed by dynamite.  Twenty years later the two principals meet in college and are married later, and return home to old scenes and find a modern structure erected on the site of the wooden viaduct.
David Wills and A. L. Lewis of Philadelphia are the two official camera men.

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